Day 5: Java DataBase Programming (JDBC)
Create a command line application that manage the Students information data discussed in the previous example.
You application shall, - Show Menu using on the command line:
1- Add Student
2- Update Student
3- Delete Student
4- Show All Students
5- Quit
Please Enter your Choice
On choice number 1: the user shall
Input the student information,
Then insert it into the database.
On choice number 2:
The user shall input student id
if found
show student information
Input new information
update the student record in the database
if not found
Show error message
On choice number 3:
The user shall input student id
if found
show student information
confirm message deletion
delete the student record from the database
if not found
Show error message
On choice number 4:
The system shall show all the students information
On choice number 5:
The system shall exit with a message
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